TALK za pripremu kože za depilaciju 1 kg - DEPILATORY (HAIR REMOVAL) PRODUCTS, Pre/after epilation products,  price, sale, Croatia
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Talc is used to prepare the skin before depilation because it absorbs fats and impurities from the surface of the skin that can reduce the efficiency of depilation.

It can also be used after depilation because it absorbs wax residues and gives the skin a feeling of freshness. It is suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin, as it prevents irritation.

The use of talcum powder before depilation can reduce the possibility of skin irritation and the appearance of fungal diseases as a result of depilation, especially when the temperatures are high in the summer and the skin after depilation, due to harsher clothes, "tares" more, which can cause inflammation on recently depilated areas of the body.