Cellulite! That hateful enemy of every woman, whether she's a top athlete or a model. Cellulite, if you did not know, is defined as "a disease of a chronically degenerative type that tends to worsen and…

Urinary tract infections are a serious health problem that affects many people. The most common infections of the urinary bladder, and signs of inflammation are frequent, difficult urination and painful…

Constipation is a disorder of intestinal motility and stool or no (constipation) or very difficult exits - a hard stool (constipation). Constipation (constipation) can be avoided by proper diet and a natural…
Carob is used in the human diet for over 4000 years. Most likely it was food from Biblical times. It is believed that it fed John the Baptist, and hence comes the German name for the carob - Johannisbrot,…

Figs are a rich source of dietary fiber, a high proportion of fiber are soluble in water. This type of fiber has a beneficial effect on digestion regulation. Fresh and dry figs are high in minerals, magnesium…