Figs and plums in digestion service

Figs are a rich source of dietary fiber, a high proportion of fiber are soluble in water. This type of fiber has a beneficial effect on digestion regulation. Fresh and dry figs are high in minerals, magnesium is important for intestinal motility, as invigorating effect on the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall.

Figs and plums in digestion servicePace of urban life is make the prison one of the most common digestive problem of today. Constipation means absence of spontaneous stools, also called fatigue or laziness intestine. Common causes of constipation are: poor diet, lack of movement, slowed digestion, and the introduction of low amounts of fluid.

To solve the problem with prison is preferable to use the funds to their composition and activity normalize bowel function. Syrup of figs and plums eliminates problems caused by hard stool and lack of stools, and balances the digestion. With clean, syrup figs and plums stimulates the secretion of toxins that cause tiredness in the body and badly affect on the general health.

If children or pregnant women have problems with constipation, it is desirable to take syrup of figs and plums, because the mild action and does not cause cramps.

Figs are a rich source of dietary fiber, a high proportion of fiber are soluble in water. This type of fiber has a beneficial effect on digestion regulation. Fresh and dry figs are high in minerals, magnesium is important for normal intestinal peristalsis, as invigorating effect on the smooth muscles of the bowel wall.


Dry figs contains three ingredients that contribute to proper digestion:

  • visok udio netopljivih prehrambenih vlakana, koja su vjerojatno ključ prevencije zatvora. Netopljiva vlakna ne mogu se razgraditi u probavnom sustavu, pa u njemu ostaju, apsorbiraju vodu i čine stolicu voluminoznijom, što olakšava prolaz kroz crijevo.
  • Sorbitol, a natural sugar which also has the ability to absorb water and thus helps in elimination festeners.
  • dihidroksifenil-isatin, a substance that stimulates contraction of the intestine, which is an essential process for regular bowel movements.


Regular bowel movements is important for overall health. Otherwise, the build up harmful products of digestion, the development of various symptoms (discomfort, bloated feeling, poor appetite, fatigue, headache). When bowel movements become less frequent, and the stool hard, dry and difficult to be vacant, there is a prison. Frequently suffer from constipation women, pregnant women, the elderly and diabetics.

Some tips for maintaining proper digestion are:

  • start the morning with breakfast, so awakes digestion and stimulate the bowel to work.
  • u prehranu uključiti dovoljno vlaknaste hrane: voće, povrće i integrale žitarice.
  • in the diet to include enough fiber foods: fruits, vegetables and cereals integrals
  • diet should be varied with a balanced amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
  • daily drink 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid. In doing so, avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol.
  • engage in physical activity.


If problems are not absent from the prison, it is desirable to take syrup of figs and plums.

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