Company Herba Laboratorij


The company Herba laboratorij was founded in 2004, with a view to design and produce herbal nutritional supplements and cosmetics. The love of natural cosmetics and the healthy way of life was instilled in company owner Valentina Moretti by long tradition. She decided to invest her many years of experience in the production of dietary supplements and the design of face and body care products. By continuously improving its knowledge and production, developing good relationships with its customers and always listening to their needs, Herba laboratorij has created products of outstanding quality, and very quickly made a recognizable name for itself on the market.


We aim to become a recognizable partner, providing products of top quality and affordable class. Through cooperation and partnership, we want to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction and trust in the chosen products and services.


We operate through 3 business segments: wholesale, retail and distribution in 3 product categories:

  • Food suplements,
  • Preparative cosmetics for face care,
  • Massage oils and disposables for beauty salons

Distribution channels in Croatia are:

• pharmacies: our nutritional supplements are sold in more than 500 pharmacies

• retail store: our store in Zagreb

• webshop: our online store serves 7,000 users per month.

• retail chains: partnership with DM  


We upgrade our professional knowledge and skills through regular visits to important global events in the field of cosmetics and beauty. We are in constant communication with experts, so that carefully selected products become part of our offer.


A professional and, above all, intimate relationship with clients, on the basis of which we have built a long-standing reputation, represents the basis of our business. Professional and always friendly staff, focused on each individual customer, respecting his wishes and needs.

The brands we have developed over the years are: