Ulje za masažu lavanda 500 mL - AROMABELLA MASSAGE OILS, Aromabella massage oils 500 ml,  price, sale, Croatia
8,95 €

Aromabella lavender oil for massage and body care as a base contains a mixture of almond and sunflower oil in the ratio of 50:50. Sunflower oil is best for aroma-massages because it contains a quick-absorption property. Almond oil is extremely moisturizing for dry skin and these two oils make the perfect blend for a massage.

The mild lavender scent generally soothes, relaxes and relieves the feeling of tension, which is why Aromabella lavender oil is ideal for relaxing massages. If you love the scents of the Mediterranean, lavender oil massage will give you a feeling of comfort and deep relaxation.

Aromabella lavender oil is primarily intended for professional use in beauty salons and massage parlors, but also for home use for body care purposes.